MTF Medical Student & Resident Travel Award

Quick Info

2025 ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting Registration and Travel Reimbursement

Number of Awards Available:

Application Deadline:
November 15, 2024

Award Overview

The Medical Toxicology Foundation (MTF) is offering a limited number of travel awards to Medical Students and Residents whose abstracts have been selected for presentation at the ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). The travel award includes the following benefits:

  • Complimentary registration for the meeting
  • Reimbursement for travel expenses, up to $500 USD

Please note that the awarded amount may not cover the entire cost of travel. It is intended to assist the presenting author in attending the ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting.

Award Eligibility

To be eligible for the award, the candidate must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Be a current Medical Student or Resident
  2. Serve as the presenting author for an abstract accepted for presentation at the ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)


To be considered for an award, submitting authors must express their interest during the abstract submission process by indicating their desire for consideration.


The awards will be granted based on the following criteria:

  • Abstract Score & Presentation Type: Priority will be given to Platform presentations, followed by Lightning Oral presentations, Moderated Posters, and Posters.
  • Financial Need: Candidates who do not receive institutional support for conference travel will be given preference.


Austin Gay, MD
UT Health San Antonio

Wonjun Billy Kim
Mercer School of Medicine

Mana Sheykhsoltan
Georgetown University