Impact Story: Hallam Gugelman, MD

Hallam Gugelmane, MD
Michael P. Spadafora Medical Toxicology Travel Award Recipient

Award Purpose: Travel to attend ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting

Award Amount: $1,500

Funding Year: 2012

About Dr. Gugelmann

Dr. Gudelmane is currently the Safety Science Medical Director for Oncology Early Development at Roche in Basel, Switzerland.

After receiving the award, Dr. Gugelmann completed his chief year of emergency medicine residency at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, then moved to San Francisco for a two-year toxicology fellowship at UCSF. Dr. He spent 5 years as an emergency medicine attending in a hospital serving the indigent population of San Francisco’s Mission District, and as Assistant Director of the California Poison Control Center. He wanted to practice medical toxicology full-time, a desire that took him into the biotech field as a medical toxicologist with Genentech. He is currently involved in ensuring the safety of medications in early development, and hopes to continue on a career trajectory that ultimately allows him to work towards developing solutions to neglected global epidemics including tuberculosis, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and maternal mortality.

“It is very important for medical toxicologists to understand that medical toxicology training provides access to a wealth of impactful, rewarding, and intellectually stimulating career paths.”

- Hallam Gugelmane, MD