ASM Abstract Review Mentorship Program

Quick Info

Application Deadline:
October 25, 2023

Training Webinar:
October 31, 2023 – 1 PM ET


The Opportunity

The yearly mentorship program is designed to mentor medical students, fellows, and junior faculty through the abstract review process. Participants will be paired with a faculty mentor from another institution and learn how abstracts are scored and selected for presentation at ACMT’s Annual Scientific Meeting by reviewing five submitted abstracts.

Selected participants will be asked to attend an abstract reviewer training webinar on October 31st from 1-2 PM ET. Following that, they will meet separately with their mentor to score and discuss the real abstracts submitted for ASM 2024. Abstract scoring will be done in a blinded manner.


All current fellows-in-training are eligible for this opportunity and must be in good standing in their fellowship program.

Application Process

Interested applicants should submit the following form by October 25, 2023. Spaces are limited!

Learn More

Check out the published manuscript on the program in JMT: “Fostering the Next Generation of Researchers: a Sustainable Mentoring Program for Early Career Toxicologists in Scientific Abstract Review”.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, October 25, 2023