ACMT Committees

ACMT provides many opportunities for our members to help drive the mission of College. By serving on a committee, you can have a direct impact the work that is important to the membership. If you are interested in joining one of these Committees, members can submit requests through the Member Center.

Addiction Toxicology Committee 

Chair: Leslie R. Dye, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Amanda “Mandi” Sutphin

Purpose and Mission

Vision: All medical toxicologists will be provided with the opportunity to develop an advanced working knowledge of the evaluation and treatment of patients with substance use disorders and be proficient and capable of practicing addiction toxicology independently. Medical toxicologists will have opportunities to contribute to and expand the knowledge of the addiction medicine community inside and outside of ACMT in the discipline of addiction toxicology. 

Mission: Ensure that medical toxicologists remain current on the evolution of ideas and management of addiction-related conditions. 

Provide medical toxicologists with opportunities to contribute and share their unique addiction toxicology expertise with other addiction experts inside and outside of ACMT

  • Provide opportunities for medical toxicologists to remain current in the evaluation and treatment of patients with addiction-related diseases and substance use disorders
  • Support medical toxicologists choosing to sit for the American Board of Preventive Medicine Addiction Medicine Board Exam via the Practice Pathway
  • Advocate for the care of all medical toxicology patients with conditions related to substance use, including substance use disorders
  • Provide a resource of current knowledge and practices in Addiction Toxicology for all members of ACMT

Education Committee 

Chair: Diane Calello, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Adrienne Dunavin

Purpose and Mission

This committee determines the educational needs of the membership (as identified through needs assessments and feasibility studies) and identify or develop resources and delivery modalities to address those needs. They also assess current educational offerings and partnerships and monitor the ongoing effectiveness of all educational activities.

  • Determine educational needs of the membership
  • Provide guidance and help develop content for conferences, webinars, and other course offerings
  • Identify or develop resources and delivery modalities
  • Assess current educational offerings and partnerships

Membership Committee 

Chair: Evan Schwarz, MD
Staff Liaison: Rebecca Weinstein

Purpose and Mission

This committee determines the eligibility of applicants for active membership and fellowship, represents and monitors the needs of the membership, recommends policies, procedures, and initiatives to assure a growing and vital membership organization and organizes the annual FACMT Reception.

  • Recommends policies, procedures, and initiatives to assure a growing and vital membership
  • Determines eligibility of applicants for active membership and fellowship by reviewing credentials of all applicants
  • Increase awareness of medical toxicology to medical students and residents (family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics as well as emergency medicine) through promoting existing conferences / webinars and targeted outreach
  • Develop and sustain diversity, equity, and inclusion focus throughout ACMT

Clinical Practice & Position Statements Committee

Chair: Andrew Stolbach, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Lucinda Gonzales

Purpose and Mission

This committee is responsible for developing position statements, guidelines, and commentary for ACMT. The committee reviews existing position statements and recommends revising, reaffirming, or retiring them. The committee may explore, participate, and draft position statements, guidelines and commentary with other organizations when appropriate.

  • Develops position statements, practice statements, guidelines, and commentary for ACMT and makes a recommendation to the board for adoption
  • Reviews existing position statements and practice statements and makes a recommendation for revision, reaffirmation, or retirement.

Research Committee 

Chair: Maryann Amirshahi, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Stephanie Abston

Purpose and Mission

This committee is responsible for reviewing applications and organizing the selection process for various research grants. The Research Committee also organizes the research poster session and assists and provides guidance with the Fellows-in-Training Research Forum at our Annual Scientific Meeting.

  • Develop opportunities for originial research presentations
  • Organize the Fellow-in-Training Research Forum
  • Provide oversight and scientific review of ToxIC studies and ACMT surveys
  • Provide oversight and scientific review of the Medical Toxicology Foundation Research Awards
  • Provide oversight to ASM Abstract Review
  • Organize ASM Abstract Review