ACMT Sections

The following Special Interest Sections have been developed as a means for members of ACMT to organize the study and discussion of their common functional and/or professional interests.

Government and Public Health Section

Chair: Michael Yeh
Staff Liaison: Dana Karshenas

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The Government Section works to develop and conduct activities that promote medical toxicology in those working in, as well as those interested in government. These activities shall relate to ACMT, that is the American College of Medical Toxicology, and shall fulfill the following objectives: to serve as the forum for members interested in government to interact; to stimulate awareness about government; to identify areas that can benefit from medical toxicology input in the government; to identify areas worthy of further pursuits that might contribute to these ends within the membership; and to act as a resource to the ACMT with reference to the government.

Industry Section

Chair: S. Eliza Lockwood, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Mimi Bajagich

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The aim of this section is to increase awareness of the critical role of industry in bringing innovative ideas to market. Industry is in a unique position to bridge cutting edge research from academia and the regulatory requirements set by governmental agencies. This is increasingly important as government funding for research is declining. Our second goal is to increase the dialogue between academia and industry in order to maintain transparent and ethical channels of communication. Industry section members will actively engage with ACMT and other academic institutions to promote the work of faculty and fellows.

International Section

Chair: Ziad Kazzi, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Singa Yu

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The International Section will provide a platform for ACMT members with interest and involvement in international activities to share knowledge, collaborate and network in a professional setting.

Chair: Brent Furbee, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Singa Yu

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The Legal and Consultative Section will provide a forum for those members interested or involved in medico-legal aspects of toxicology. The section meetings will be used to discuss principles and controversies that accompany the clinical and scientific evaluation of toxicology-related claims and will focus on issues common to the medical-legal review of charts, assessment of literature, written reports, deposition, and trial.

Medication Management Section

Chair: Brenna Farmer, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Singa Yu

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This section works to promote appropriate medication use, discusses issues related to formulary process and decisions, medication safety, prevention of adverse events, adverse reactions, drug shortages, and pharmacy integration across large healthcare systems (e.g., off-label use, restricted use of pharmaceuticals). This section is responsible for aiding the Clinical Practice and Position Statements Committee in developing and updating relevant position statements.  

Military Section

Chair: Shaun Carstairs, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Singa Yu

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The ACMT Military section endeavors to connect medical toxicologists working in the various branches of the military (Army, Navy, and Air Force) and to advance the utilization of the unique skill set of medical toxicologists within the military. Section meetings will aim to promote research collaboration among military medical toxicologists and to discuss toxicology-related issues of direct importance to the conduct of military operations, such as nuclear/biological/chemical weapons training and the use of antivenoms in areas of military operations.

Occupational and Environmental Toxicology Section

Chair: John Downs, MD
Staff Liaison: Dana Karshenas

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ACMT’s Occupational and Environmental Toxicology Section aims to nurture and grow the expertise of medical toxicologists in occupational and environmental toxicology; provide a forum for networking and sharing knowledge, resources, and opportunities; and enhance the medical toxicology clinical presence in Occupational and Environmental toxicology by organizing and strengthening our network of outpatient clinics.

Pediatric Section 

Chair: Shan Yin, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Singa Yu

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The purpose of this section is to provide ACMT members a platform to communicate about common interests to those who have an interest in medical toxicology as it pertains to children. This section will focus on continuing to bridge the gap between pediatrics and medical toxicology including fostering awareness about careers in medical toxicology for those with primary training in pediatrics, creating additional opportunities for those with a joint interest in pediatrics and medical toxicology, and enhancing the awareness of others about our highly specialized members.  The Pediatric section will serve as the forum for members who have a specific interest in the care of children and to identify strategic areas of interest for those with both pediatric and medical toxicology training, In addition interested section members could assist the college on consultation matters pertaining to toxicological issues in children.

Recent Graduate Section

Chair: Kavita Babu, MD, FACMT, FACEP
Staff Liaison: Rebecca Weinstein

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This section is intended for anyone who has completed a medical toxicology fellowship in the last 8 years. The Recent Graduate section serves to foster collaboration between members as well as provide networking and resources for junior toxicologists just starting their careers.

Resident and Medical Student Section

Chair: Kathryn T. Kopec, DO, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Rebecca Weinstein

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This section aims to engage residents and medical students in the field of medical toxicology. This section provides resources and guidance on entering and thriving within the field of medical toxicology. This section hopes to assist trainees with participating in toxicology research, finding clinical opportunities, pursuing a toxicology fellowship, exploring careers within the field, and finding mentors.

Toxinology Section

Co-Chairs: Michelle Ruha, MD, FACMT
Spencer Greene, MD
Staff Liaison: Mari Costantini

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The ACMT Toxinology Section brings together ACMT members with focused clinical or research
expertise in venoms and poisons from animals, plants, and mushrooms. The Section aims to
leverage members’ specific expertise in areas within toxinology, in order to educate and
provide resources for medical professionals to improve diagnosis, management, and outcomes
for patients.


  1. Establish a contact list of members with expertise in the following areas, who will be
    available for consult with medical professionals or poison centers encountering an unusual
    toxinology case: North American snakes, non-native snakes, arthropods, hymenoptera,
    lizards, marine venoms and toxins, plants and mushrooms.
  2. Develop a repository of important toxinology literature and resources on
  3. Develop an interactive platform on where members can post and discuss new
    toxinology literature and share challenging cases.
  4. Connect and collaborate with Toxinology organizations such as the North American Society
    of Toxinology to expand educational opportunities for ACMT members.
  5. Provide guidance to ToxIC leadership regarding potential ToxIC subregistry research and
    grant applications.

Women in Tox Section

Co-Chairs: Caitlin Bonney, MD, Fiona Garlich, MD, FACMT, and Priya Srihari, MD
Staff Liaison: Rebecca Weinstein

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This section formed in 2017 to promote awareness of gender inequality and its implications for women and men in medicine. Our goal is to address these inequalities through various measures including mentorship, promotion, and regular discussions. The group is inclusive of both women and men, and all are ACMT members are welcome. 

We currently use Slack (Team URL: as a forum to foster discussion and provide networking and mentoring opportunities. For access, email Elissa Moore at

Follow Us! @WomenInTox

Practice Section

Chairs: Christina Hantsch, MD, FACMT
Staff Liaison: Dana Karshenas

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Description coming soon.