MTF MedTox Shark Tank Research Forum Grant

Important Dates

MTF Shark Tank Research Forum
$20,000 Research Award

A long standing tradition at ACMT's Annual Scientific Meeting, the Med Tox Shark Tank Forum was newly configured in 2024 to provide a $20,000 grant to the winner, thanks to the generous support of the Medical Toxicology Foundation (MTF.) This an opportunity for Fellows-in-Training, Residents, and Medical Students to obtain expert input during the formative stage of a research project. The session objective is to offer valuable insight that could strengthen their proposed research project.

How to Apply

We invite applicants to submit an abstract of a research proposal to this forum. The proposal could represent a planned research project (prior to IRB submission), a proposal awaiting IRB approval, or something that is further along, perhaps into a pilot data collection phase.

To be eligible, you must be a Fellow-in-Training, Resident or Medical Student. The abstract should include:

  1. Title of Presentation
  2. Aims
  3. Significance and Innovation
  4. Research Approach (Methods) and Timeline
  5. Major Limitations/Questions
2025 Submission Deadline TBD

How It Works

After initial review of all submissions, a select number of abstracts will be selected for presentation at the 2025 ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting on April 2 -6 , 2025 in Vancouver, Canada.

This meeting will be fully in-person. Presenters will be expected to register for the meeting and present in-person on the main stage. There will be no virtual option.

During the MTF Shark Tank Session, the selected applicants will be given 10 minutes for an oral presentation that emphasizes the crafting of a study hypothesis, proposed study methodology, data collection, and analytic techniques. Brief and relevant background material is acceptable, but the presentation should focus on the project itself.

The presentations will be made to a panel of senior medical toxicology faculty in an environment geared towards constructive comments and feedback. The panel will award up to $20,000 to the winner(s).

Questions? If you have any questions, please contact ACMT at

Forrest Mahony, MD
"Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in New England Sea Turtles"
Fellow, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Worcester, MA