MTF Shark Tank Research Forum
April 4-6, 2025
Fairmont Hotel
Vancouver, Canada
Quick Info
Submission Deadline:
More information about #ACMT2025 Annual Scientific Meeting in Vancouver
Info Session
A premier professional development activity for Early Career Investigators, Fellows-in-Training, Residents, and Medical Students, the MTF Shark Tank Research Forum is an opportunity to gain invaluable expert insights during the early stages of a research project and potentially secure the seed money to fund it. Thanks to the generous support of the Medical Toxicology Foundation (MTF), the forum features a grant for the winner, as well as the opportunity to refine and elevate your research proposals with the guidance of leading researchers in the field and present your ideas in front of a national audience.
How to Apply
We invite applicants to submit an aims page of a research proposal to this forum. The proposal could represent a planned research project (prior to IRB submission), a proposal awaiting IRB approval, or something that is further along, perhaps into a pilot data collection phase. Consultation with, and involvement of, professionals from other disciplines is encouraged.
An aims page (1-page) should contain the following elements:
1. Title of Presentation
2. Identify the problem at hand and important gaps that your research will clarify
3. Hypothesis-driven aims
4. Brief overview of the methods that will be employed
See below for a sample aims page from a previously awarded R21 (2 year grant). The scope of the project should not exceed 1-2 years.
To be eligible, you must be an Early Career Investigator, Fellow-in-Training, Resident or Medical Student. Applications are welcome from trainees and those within 3 years of completing fellowship, but the proposed work must be done under the oversight of an established investigator (the established can be in another specialty but there should be a demonstrated relationship).
Please do not apply if you have received any research funding from the MTF in the same topic area.
2026 Submission Deadline: TBD
How It Works
After initial review of all submissions, a select number of proposals will be chosen for presentation at the ACMT Annual Scientific Meeting.
This meeting will be fully in-person. Presenters will be expected to register for the meeting and present in-person. There will be no virtual option.
During the MTF Shark Tank Session, the selected applicants will be given 10 minutes for an oral presentation that emphasizes the crafting of a study hypothesis, proposed study methodology, data collection, and analytic techniques. Brief and relevant background material is acceptable, but the presentation should focus on the project itself.
The presentations will be made to a panel of senior medical toxicology faculty in an environment geared towards constructive comments and feedback.
Scoring will be weighted based on both the grant application and the oral presentation. It is important to note that while the overall score is a strong indicator of funding, the ultimate decision is decided by the MTF.
Questions? If you have any questions, please contact ACMT at foundation@acmt.net.

Forrest Mahony, MD
"Detecting Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in New England Sea Turtles"
Fellow, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
Worcester, MA