Becoming a Medical Toxicologist
What is Medical Toxicology?
Medical Toxicology is a field of medicine dedicated to the evaluation and treatment of poisoned and envenomated patients. This also includes adverse health effects of medications, occupational and environmental toxins, and biological agents. Medical Toxicology is an officially recognized subspecialty by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
What are some examples of problems evaluated by Medical Toxicologists?
Medical Toxicologists are involved in the care of people who come into contact with drugs, substances, or other agents that cause potentially adverse health effects. This entails expertise in many areas, such as:
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Training in Medical Toxicology prepares you to work in a variety of settings including:
- Emergency departments and in-patient units where they directly treat acutely poisoned patients
- Outpatient clinics and occupational health settings where they evaluate the health impact from exposure to toxic substances in the home or workplace
- National and regional poison control centers where they provide medical direction for health professionals, personal responders, and the general public
- Academic institutions where they are involved in teaching, research, and improving evidence-based patient care
- Industry and commerce where they contribute to pharmaceutical research and development, product safety, occupational health services, and regulatory compliance
- Governmental agencies where they provide toxicology expertise at all levels from local health departments to federal entities
- Clinical and forensic laboratories where they aid in the design, conduction, and interpretation of diagnostic tests and forensic studies
Learn more about the core content in medical toxicology from the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) and ACMT’s Journal of Medical Toxicology.
Is Medical Toxicology for me?
Tips to explore the specialty:
- Find clinical experience in medical toxicology and spend elective time. If you do not have an entire block to spend, some programs may be willing to accommodate shorter visits.
- Join a professional society. The American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) represents physician toxicologists and has very reduced rates for students and residents.
- Network with local toxicology specialists. Contact an ACMT board member if you need help locating someone.
- Attend an ACMT meeting or event. You will learn more about the specialty and network with medical toxicologists who work in all settings.
- View Directory of Clerkships
How to become a Medical Toxicologist:
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