MTF Shark Tank Submissions Deadline January 15, 2024

MTF Shark Tank Submissions Deadline

January 15, 2024

Participate in the 2024 MTF Shark Tank Research Forum
$20,000 Research Award

The MTF Shark Tank Research Forum is an opportunity for Fellows-in-Training, Residents, and Medical Students to obtain expert input during the formative stage of a research project. The session objective is to offer valuable insight that could strengthen their proposed research project.

How to Apply

We invite applicants to submit an abstract of a research proposal to this forum. The proposal could represent a planned research project (prior to IRB submission), a proposal awaiting IRB approval, or something that is further along, perhaps into a pilot data collection phase.

To be eligible, you must be a Fellow-in-Training, Resident or Medical Student. The abstract should include:

  1. Title of Presentation
  2. Aims
  3. Significance and Innovation
  4. Research Approach (Methods) and Timeline
  5. Major Limitations/Questions
Submission Deadline: Monday, January 15, 2024