MTF/SAEMF Toxicology Grant Application Deadline August 15, 2024

MTF/SAEMF Toxicology Research Grant Deadline

August 15, 2024

The Medical Toxicology Foundation (MTF) endeavors to support Medical Toxicology research. The MTF/SAEMF Research Award is jointly sponsored by the Medical Toxicology Foundation and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation.

The mission of the grant is to provide support for research proposals that advance the science of medical toxicology in emergency medicine. The goals are to foster collaboration between members of ACMT and SAEM and to advance the science of medical toxicology as it relates to all aspects of emergency medicine. Proposals that intend to collect data necessary to pursue larger projects (pilot projects) are of particular interest. The research proposals can address one or more of the following areas and topics:

  1. Medical toxicology practice
  2. Medical toxicology education (medical students, emergency medicine residents, medical toxicology residents, and emergency physicians)
  3. Acute or chronic toxicity from pharmaceuticals and chemicals
  4. Envenomations and natural toxins
  5. Opioid-use disorders and addiction medicine
  6. Chemical or radiological emergency preparedness
  7. Global medical toxicology