MTF Discretionary Fund

Quick Info

a total of $5,000 is available in 2024


Award Overview

The MTF provides funding for a number of research grants for medical toxicologists and trainees, and travel scholarships for medical students and residents. Occasionally, requests come to the MTF that do not fit in these timeframes or existing guidelines. The MTF has set up a small discretionary fund to consider these requests. The maximum request amount is $5,000. 

Funding request examples could include:

  1. A survey of patients seen at your outpatient toxicology clinic is being considered as a follow-up to patient satisfaction surveys completed within your institution. Postage and statistician’s consultation are costs that your institution and department won’t cover for the 300 surveys being sent out.
  1. Analysis at a reference laboratory of pooled de-identified plasma samples is needed as proof-of-concept before submitting a research proposal. Packaging and shipping costs from your hospital laboratory and reduced pricing from the reference laboratory are above your division’s funding ability.
  1. An algorithm to assist residents in simulation toxicology training assessment of milestone accomplishment needs some help from computer programmers. While there has been interest from a number of developers, none have provided funding.

Award Eligibility

  1. Eligible applicants for the MTF Discretionary Fund are any ACMT member in good standing. 

Application Procedure

  1. Please complete the project request form and email to 

Review Process

  1. Proposals will be reviewed and voted on by the MTF Board either at a regularly scheduled Board meeting or by email distribution.  
  2. If approved, recipients are required to submit a brief 1 year progress/completion report.