Medical Toxicology Fellow-in-Training Association (MTFITA)

The Medical Toxicology Fellow-in-Training Association promotes excellence in patient care, enhances the education and professional development of physicians training in medical toxicology, provides a network among fellows-in-training for enhanced communication and camaraderie, and strengthens involvement in ACMT during the transition to community toxicology practice. As a member of ACMT and a fellow-in-training, you are automatically a member of the Medical Toxicology Fellow-in-Training Association.

Tox is Calling Me Series

The “Tox is Calling Me” video and podcast series is created by and for Medical Toxicology Fellows-in-Training (FIT) in collaboration with the Recent Graduate Section at the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT). You can subscribe to the podcast on Spotify, Amazon Music, Audible, iHeart Radio, and watch the video on Youtube. The full catalog of video and podcast materials are also accessible in the ACMT Learning Center.

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Medical Toxicology Fellow-in-Training Leadership 

Each year, the Medical Toxicology Fellow-in-Training Association members elect a new group of officers to carry out the objectives of the Association.

Emily Kiernan, DO
Emory University
& Georgia Poison Center

Kira Galeano, MD
Lehigh Valley Health Network