The American College of Medical Toxicology Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Medical Toxicology

The American College of Medical Toxicology Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Medical Toxicology
May 2, 2024

Authors: Peter D. Akpunonu, MD, FACMT; Richard J. Church, MD, FACMT; Kavita M. Babu, MD, FACMT; Trevonne M. Thompson, MD, FACMT

The American College of Medical Toxicology recognizes diversity as a fundamental aspect of the human experience and an essential strength that enriches perspectives, fosters innovation, and enhances patient care. We are cultivating an inclusive environment that values and celebrates every individual’s unique experience and background. Moreover, we challenge efforts to undermine diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) work, given our commitment to building a healthier, more inclusive society.

Our patients come from diverse backgrounds. We recognize the impact of demographic factors on healthcare outcomes and are committed to providing culturally competent and inclusive medical toxicology services. Additionally, we strive to create an accessible environment for all patients, ensuring that care is respectful and effective.

We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the diversity of the communities we serve. Through proactive recruitment strategies, we seek to attract and retain medical toxicologists from a wide range of backgrounds. Our goal is to create an environment where individuals feel empowered to contribute their unique perspectives, enriching the collaborative nature of medical toxicology. We are fostering an inclusive culture where all in our specialty feel valued, respected, and equipped to excel to their fullest potential.
We are committed to promoting equity in leadership positions. By actively supporting the career progression of individuals from historically underrepresented and marginalized groups, we strive to ensure that leadership roles within our organization reflect our broader community in shaping the future of medical toxicology.

The American College of Medical Toxicology embraces diversity as a moral imperative and strategic edge in our education, practice, research, and workforce. By championing diversity, equity, and inclusion, we are building a future together where everyone receives the highest quality of medical toxicology care, and our organization reflects the heterogeneity of the human experience.