Message from Outgoing ACMT President, Anthony Pizon

Message from Outgoing ACMT President, Anthony Pizon

Friends and Colleagues,

“Time flies when you're having fun.” That adage is certainly true in my case. Just 2 years ago, I started my ACMT presidency. I was eager to lead ACMT into a value-driven health care environment. Now, I am pleased to reflect on all that has transpired.

Medical Toxicology is continuing to thrive in our value-driven world. Our specialty undoubtedly provides excellent healthcare at a low cost, as evidenced by the high-quality research conducted by our many contributing members.  Most recently, Dr. Wax and colleagues demonstrated that medical toxicologists reduce mortality when treating critically ill children. This February 2025 publication in JAMA Network Open is another addition to the growing repertoire highlighting our tremendous impact. In addition, we have witnessed these positive effects from the thriving relationships with the FDA, CDC, NIDA, SAMHSA, the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, ATSDR, and many more. To date, we have had multiple collaborative projects with these leading organizations. There is great demand for our expertise, key stakeholders are taking notice, and evidence of our value is increasing.

Over these past 2 years, ACMT has methodically continued expansion in grant awards and national recognition while also demonstrating internal growth. We have seen a surge in the desire to train in our fellowships, as well as a heightened interest in our Annual Scientific Meetings which have reported record attendance.  With this combination, we are poised to advance our specialty as an esteemed contributor to improve health care within the country and across the globe.

At the onset of my term, I was humbled to follow in the footsteps of wonderful leadership that has provided continued success for ACMT and our specialty. As I pass the baton to Ziad Kazzi this April, I am equally humbled for him to continue the journey towards excellence within medical toxicology. Ziad will undoubtedly lead with passion and the charisma that has brought him great success in all that he has touched over the years. Under Ziad’s leadership, ACMT will continue to work hard to advance our specialty and support you. 

ACMT has made tremendous progress during my term. Our collaborative efforts have made a positive and lasting impact on our patients and health care overall. As a result of these advances, my enthusiasm continues to grow for the future of medical toxicology. Thank you for the privilege of serving you, ACMT, and our patients. 

Anthony Pizon, MD, FACMT
President, American College of Medical Toxicology