ACMT Strategic Plan
American College of Medical Toxicology Strategic Plan 2024—2029
Mission Statement
Advance the toxicological care of patients and populations; advocate for the specialty of medical toxicology
Vision Statement
Every patient and population benefits from the expertise of medical toxicologists
ACMT Core Values
All patients receive the highest quality of care
Medical toxicology is an integral part of the healthcare system
Education, research, and translation are imperative to improve patient care
Leadership, innovation, and advocacy are essential to advancing medical toxicology
Members are our strength
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1.
Improve the toxicologic assessment, treatment, and care of patients and populations in the United States and internationally.
Objective 1. Increase the evidence and resources that establish the value of medical toxicologists within the health care system
Objective 2. Increase knowledge of medical toxicology and the care of patients and populations to health care and public health professionals
Objective 3. Advocate for medical toxicology through key partnerships and policy
Objective 4. Increase the number of practicing board-certified medical toxicologists
Objective 5. Strengthen the quality and scope of medical toxicology research and translation into practice
Goal 2.
Enhance membership value and engagement
Objective 1. Provide the highest quality education and other opportunities to members
Objective 2. Provide robust and diverse communications on matters of relevance and importance to members
Objective 3. Support efforts to build, grow, and sustain a career in medical toxicology
Objective 4. Grow, engage, and retain a diverse membership
Objective 5. Promote member professional growth and develop medical toxicology leaders
Goal 3.
Ensure ACMT is a highly valued, relevant, and sustainable organization
Objective 1. Position ACMT as the recognized and sought-after leader in medical toxicology
Objective 2. Ensure financial security — increase and diversify revenue streams
Objective 3. Strive for organizational excellence